Monday, December 31, 2007

Year End Review.. The Numbers

If I'm to believe TrainingPeaks, here is what I covered this year.. Mind you, there is likely a good deal of grease between this and reality (not in my favor). Yet, if these aren't the real ones, better ones don't exist.

Planned Time 337:10
Actual Time 269:48
Swim 87,086 yd
Bike 2,294.39 mi
Run 377.25 mi
Day Off 83 mi
Walk 5.5 mi

Looking it over, how does one cover 83 miles on a day off? And, it's for certain my walk number is likely off by a factor of 10^2.

What is the big gaping hole in these numbers? Strength. I went to the gym today for the first time and pushed weighted plates around with machines. Those numbers were shockingly low. A stark answer as to what my lie into better health in the coming year.

If you're still reading, here's to your new year. May your days be long and meet you well.


bbieberitz said...

Ahhh... You are giving me some numbers to shoot for. I will take your advice and go start the strength training now. Good job this past year!

Team Brazo said...

Still reading and Happy New Years!!